Sustainability in Question: The Search for a Conceptual Framework. Advances in Ecological Economics Series.
KÖHN, J., GOWDY, J., F. HINTERBERGER and J. VAN DER STRAATEN, 1999 (eds.) Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (ISBN 1-84064-050-2) |
Edward Elgar Publishing: Sustainability in Question
The Search for a Conceptual Framework
Edited by Jörg Köhn, Rostock University, Germany,John Gowdy, Rensselaer Polytechnik Institute, US, Friedrich Hinterberger, Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy, Germany and Jan van der Straaten, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
Sustainability in Question goes beyond much of the existing literature on sustainability taking into account culture, institution, knowledge and traditions. It sheds new light on the ability of humans to create institutional and social arrangements which are able to adapt to changing conditions. The authors consider the current state of environmental and institutional sustainability within the context of economic activity and public policy. They recognize that some of the basic economic notions such as universal substitutability, methodological individualism and the superiority of the price mechanism may be misplaced in the case of enviromental protections.
Quellennachweis: Edward Elgar Publishing: Environment and Ecology. New Titles and selected backlist. November 1999 |