|  | Dr. Jörg Köhn (Diplom Biologist and Diplom Economist) is a freelance after he concluded his teaching and researching occupation in the biology and economical science department of the Universitiy of Rostock in 1998.
A biologist with doctor degree, an economical scientist, and a diplom economist are employed in this company.
This company is part of an internationally active network. So about twenty companies and individuals are part of it. They work in areas like commercial right matters, engineering technology, production of machines and plants, communication and information technologies, planning, architecure, or financing. Jörg Köhn coordinates the division of labor on certain topics of this network. The portfolio of the Dr. Jörg Köhn Company includes:
Social-Ecological Research, i.e.
- Regional development and management,
- Development of systems for easier decision making,
- Integrated coastal zone management,
- Environment and resource management,
- Environmental economical judgement,
- Projects of regional and city development,
- Technologies for use of renewable resources
- Studies of political economics, Microeconomics (different Universities and Colleges in Germany),
- Studies of political economics, Macroeconomics (different Universities and Colleges in Germany),
- Environmantal economics (internationally),
- Regional economics (internationally),
- Resource economics (internationally),
- Integrated coastal zone management (internationally),
- European environmental politics (internationally),
- Environmental management (internationally).
You find a list of our references here >>> |
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- Regional development and marketing concepts,
- Development prognosises for trade and industry and their regional establishment in planning of areas,
- Social projects,
- Integrated development concepts,
- Tourism concepts,
- Agreed regional and general planning of use of areas,
- Moderation of establishment processes and conflicts.
- Advice for foundation of a company,
- Advice for settlement,
- Company of new goods on the market,
- Trade and marketing concepts,
- Judgement of technologies and company plans,
- Company plans.
- Partial report including examination of environmental tolerance (marine biology, macro- and microzoobenthos, ornithology, taxonomy: crustaceans, snails, mussels, bristly ocean worms, and more),
- International training programs for Eco-Audit and for ISO-certifications.
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You can contact us at this adress:
Dr. Jörg Köhn Büdnerreihe 20A, 18239 Heiligenhagen, Germany Fon 038295-70410, Fax 038295-71415, Mobil 0171-6103610 Email: jk@dr-joerg-koehn.de Internet: www.dr-joerg-koehn.de