Dr. Jörg Köhn [BILD] Home > > References > > 2003 Home Publications References Regional Manager Teaching Personal Impressum copy - Impressum [BILD] [BILD] Referenzen (Auszug) 2005 2002-2004 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 before 1998 Reference Projects 2003 03/03 Dr. Jörg Köhn and Antje Köhn, 2003. Environmental Monitoring (Makrozoobenthos) in the Southern Baltic Sea. Federal Agency of Limnology, Koblenz. 02/03 Dr. Jörg Köhn and Antje Köhn, 2003. Environmental Impact Assessment for Offshore – Windpower Parks in the Baltic Sea. Monitoring report. OECOS, Hamburg. 01/03 Leinweber, P. and others, 2000 – 2004. Program for Prevention of Diffuse Water Pollution with Phosphorus from Degraded and Re-wetted Peat Soils. Research Project within the Schedule of the 5th Framework of the European Union. Dr. Jörg Köhn was a full time employee as a regional manager in 2002 – 2004. Therefore, Dipl.-Ing. oec. Antje Köhn managed all projects of Dr. Jörg Köhn Innovationsgesellschaft mbH and ABC Internet GmbH during this time. top intranet