Dr. Jörg Köhn [BILD] Home > > Personal Home Publications References Regional Manager Teaching Personal Impressum copy - Impressum [BILD] [BILD] born 1959 married, two children 1978 Abitur 1981 - 1986 Study, "Marine Ecology", University of Rostock 1986 - 1988 Research study, University of Rostock 1989 - 1990 Scientific employee, University of Rostock 1990 - 1998 College assistent in microeconomy and competition, Structure of regional and environmental economics at the Economic and Social Studies Department of the University of Rostock 1993 - 1998 Extracurricular activity as environmental expert and municipal advisor 1998 Dr. Jörg Köhn, Independent Office of Advice 2000 - 2004 MBA–Study at the Graduate School for Business and Administration, Zürichseee and State University of New York Albany 2001 Manager, Dr. Jörg Köhn Company of Innovation 2002 - 2004 Regional manager Westmecklenburg 2002 - 2005 MBA – Study at the Universität für Bodenkunde Wien und am Europäischen Institut für Postgraduale Studien an der TU Dresden, Abschluss als MBA Diploma, Rostock, 1986: “Malacostraca der Ostsee: Bestimmungstabellen mit Angaben zur Ökologie und Verbreitung der Arten.” (Malacostracaen Crustacea of the Baltic Sea: Identification key, Ecology, and Distribution of the Species) Ph.D., Rostock, 1989: “Zur Ökologie sandiger Böden der Mecklenburger Bucht.” (The Ecology of Sandy Bottoms in the Western Baltic Sea) Diploma, ETH Zürich und Graduate School for Business and Administration Zürichsee, 2004: "Möglichkeiten der Rechtseinräumung im Urhebervertragsrecht” MBA, Universität für Bodenkunde Wien, 2005: „Unternehmens-, Finanzierungs- und Marke-tingkonzepte in regionalen Entwicklungsprozessen“ Scholarships Walter and André de Nottbeck Foundation, Finland, 1988, 1990-92 DAAD, 1990, 1996 German Marshall Funds of the US, 1997 Host Lectures Carl-Duisberg-Gesellschaft e.V., International Training Programs Bremen, Ecological Economics Rensselear Polytechnic Institute Troy, New York, PhD – Programs, Ecological Economics, Regional Economics Lector Economics of Space and Environment, University of Rostock Study of Political Economics, Wismar College Study of Political Economics, University of Rostock Academia Istropolitana Nova, Bratislava, Slovakia Summer School, Academy of Science in Bologna, Italien Summer School, Academia Istropolitana Nova, Bratislava, Slovakia Reviews für Internationale Verlage und Journale Reviewer - Routledge London and New York - Edward Elgar, Cheltenham - International Journal for Ecological Economics - Environmental Values - Environment and Planning, serie C: Government and Policy Regional Editor - International Journal of Sustainable Development - International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology intranet