Dr. Jörg Köhn [BILD] Home > > References > > 2002-2004 Home Publications References Regional Manager Teaching Personal Impressum copy - Impressum [BILD] [BILD] Referenzen (Auszug) 2005 2002-2004 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 before 1998 Reference Projects 2002 - 2004 - References related to the Business as Regional Manager in Western Mecklenburg The Regional Planning Board employed the regional manager, Dr. Jörg Köhn 2002 – 2004. About 7.000 km² area and about 500.000 people belong to the region. The regional manager was responsible for the management programme and the annual planning process. The work mainly consists of the development of concepts and proposals as well as coaching and realisation of regional important projects and development concepts. Financial controlling was an additional issue. The overall budget was about 600.000,00 € for three years. The project was sponsored by the Federal Department of Economy and Labour. The budget consisted of 80 per cent direct support of the Federal State and 20 per cent shares of municipalities in the region. The following subjects were designed as key projects for the future development of the region: Consultant to the regional development concept or the central development axis Consultant to the "Region active project Lübecker Bucht", sponsored by the Federal Department of Agriculture and Consumer Protection Idea, concept development, proposal, coaching, controlling and adaptation to regional conditions for the following projects: Evaluation of the market position of the region Western Mecklenburg in Germany and the European Union Training, research and technology region Western Mecklenburg Economic development supported by technological clusters The use of renewable resources in industry and for functional food Establishment of a secondary school for health and wellness professions Establishment of a secondary school for highly qualified students in math, informatics, natural sciences and technics at the University for Applied Studies in Wismar Health and wellness region Western Mecklenburg Development and market introduction of a wellness pass for the region Mecklenburg – Schwerin Creation of a GIS – based data base for tourism Marketing for regional products through a regional internet distribution channel Creation of a digital, ma based internet – portal for the industrial site management Development of the industrial sites and the business at Parchim Airport with more than 120 business contacts Concept development for a food logistics and LifeScience Center Concept development for a development and technology centre for aqua culture technologies including training of Master of Science in fish business Business networking for a development and training centre for the use of renewable resources (bioenergy and fibres) Business plan for a wellness and bathing resort Assistance for business settlements Contract and finance management for the Regional Marketing Association Mecklenburg – Schwerin e.V. (Marketing, Public Private Partnership, Virtual Market Place and Tourism Development) top intranet